Hydraulic transmissions are widely used in mechanical devices in almost all industrial fields because hydraulic devices have great advantages compared to mechanical or electrical control devices, such as more flexible applications, requiring only relatively small dimensions and narrow spaces. Installation can get huge, dynamic power, and the structure is simple.
Industrial Areas: Machinery, Construction Machinery, Forging Presses, Press Machine, Construction Machinery, Injection Molding Machines, Aircraft, Ships, Hydraulic Ballord, Lifting Tables, etc.
Advantages of Hydraulic Device
* Through flow control: Continuous or intermittent speed control can be performed.
* Through pressure control (remote control or with electronic control and air pressure): Can obtain multiple continuous or complex power control; can be used for safety protection devices.
* Through directional control: Can change the direction of actuator.
* Through used accumulator: Accumulation of pressure energy.
* In all speed ranges, it can generate output power with fixed hoursepower, and automatically control the output torque.
* Can do swing or linear movement, and only with a very small device to generate a great deal of power.
* Can use a manual or automatic way to flexibly operate a variety of actions.
Hydraulic oil as a power medium, compared with other fluids such as air or water, have the following advantages:
* Hydraulic oil has excellent lubrication characteristics and rust-proof effect, which will directly affect the life of hydraulic components and the ease of system maintenance.
* Applicable pressures are high, and smaller device sizes are also available.
* Due to the low compression rate, the operation is safe.
* The operation time without delayed.
Disadvantages of Hydraulic Device
* Changes in the temperature of the hydraulic oil can cause changes in the viscosity of the hydraulic oil, so the piston of the hydraulic cylinder movement speed and output efficiency might also change.
* The hydraulic fluid has a limited flow rate, so the actuator (hydraulic cylinder or motor) speed is also limited.
* With the motor (electrical) line or air pressure circuit piping, hydraulic piping operation construction is more time-consuming and costly.
* Due to the high pressure and vibration at the connection port of the device, oil leakage is likely to occur.
* If there is too much air in the hydraulic oil, the operation of the hydraulic device may be inaccurate.
* If the hydraulic oil is contaminated with contaminants such as dust, it is prone to failure.